Municipal Electrical Aggregation
Customers in the ComEd and Ameren Illinois service areas can take part in an electrical aggregation program in their community. Residential customers and small business (less than 1,500 annual kilowatt hours) can choose from several different suppliers, remain on the utility’s fixed price bundled service, or participate in a Municipal Aggregation Program (Muni Ag).
Municipal Electrical Aggregation cost-saving Programs
Since 2012, Rock River Energy Services has worked with over 150 governmental agencies including Cities, Villages, Counties and Townships in bringing electric service to people both in incorporated and unincorporated areas. We work in both the ComEd and Ameren Service territories with 114 Active communities participating.
Communities are choosing to offer municipal electrical aggregation programs to help their residents and eligible small businesses save money and have a stable electrical rate to compare to the utility rates. This is done by creating a combined customer group that has greater buying power than individual residents or small businesses. Additionally, they may choose an electric supply offer that includes a higher percentage of “green” power.
For more information on Community Electical Aggregation in Illinois view the ICC website at Plug In Illinois.

Let Rock River Energy Services tell you how you can save with Municipal Aggregation
Contact us to find out if you are in an area that has an Electrical Aggregation Program and what the current rate is.
Fill out the form, or call Chris at: 815/732-4603